Day 1 recap

Monday, July 27, 2009

So it's the end of day 1 Paleo challenge, and already some delicious foods have tested my willpower. I went to the movies with some girlfriends tonight, and the smell of buttered popcorn was hard to resist. Then we went to Daphne's Greek for dinner, and I watched my friend eat spicy hummus and pita -- one of my favorites.
Still, after the meal when she was saying how uncomfortably full she felt, I was feeling satisfied and reenergized from my chicken kabob, glad I had passed on the starch. (My kabob was really good -- came with grilled onion, red and green peppers. I ordered it with a salad, minus the feta cheese and dressing. Instead, I squeezed some lemon on top of the lettuce and added salt and pepper. Was so yum!)
My goal for the week is to get the balance and portions of the meals right. I felt great after breakfast around 8:30 this morning, but I didn't eat again until after 2 p.m. (turkey slices, fresh kiwi and pineapple and a tablespoon of almond butter). I was feeling hungry again just a couple hours later, so I ate more turkey with avocado. Then I took some walnuts and water with me to the movies. But I felt tired for most of the afternoon -- until I ate dinner really. I don't know if that's because my body is adjusting to life without sugar, or because I'm eating too much or not enough of a particular food group, or because I had a long day at work and my brain was tired of being awake.
It's definitely tired of being awake right now....


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