Day 3: Afternoon motivation

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I only have a few minutes to post, but I had to write something today because I'm so stoked after tonight's workout. I usually go to CrossFit in the morning, so I've never met the crew that comes at night. Still, seeing their names and times on the white board each day makes me feel like I've known them all this time. CrossFit is like that. It fosters a sense of community that I love. So tonight I finally got to meet a bunch of the crew that I've been seeing, and watching what they can do gave me a whole list of stuff to envy. Like Punky, who can cross her jumprope while doing double unders. And Mel, who can do real pullups.
Our WOD (workout of the day) tonight was named after me. And it was rough.
100 m walking lunges
21 pullups, 21 handstand pushups
100 m lunges
100 m
100 m
9, 9
100 m

My legs are burning after finishing that (my time was 20:30, with some modifications -- I used a band with the pullups and did pushups on a box), but I feel great. Better than I have in a long time...


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